Monday 5 September 2011

Day 1 - PP

Breakfast: Oatbran pancake with cottage cheese and coffee
Lunch: Turkey ham omelete (with 2 eggs) + coffee

Ok, let me tell a little bit about my experience at boot camp. And the most important thing to say is that it was not what I thought it would be. At all. I didn't leave the place a happy bunny!

I expected to find people at the same level of fitness, but I was sooooo mistaken! Actually I thought I would be one of the fit ones! There... I said it!

There was a whole bunch of fitness fanatics, with a very, very poor diet! I see on TV all the time about how bad the british diet is, but I really had no idea. Yes, they were maraton runners (amateurs, but runners nevertheless), boxing fighters, gym regulars, but they lived on pub food with lots and lots of beer!
The food was great, but 90% of them didn't know what was on the plate most of the time. Like I said: pub food, beer, crisps, pastries and takeways, that's what they ate regularly.
Still, their cardio was way better than mine, and I ended up being the 22nd out of 26! Yes, right there with 3 morbid obeses, and one lady that had never exercised in her life! Ok, I do have an underactive thyroide and that does affect me loads if I don't take care of myself.... And I wasn't taking care of myself!

What upseted me the most was that their advertising is aimed to people with a lot of weight to lose and basicly no fitness regime. But what happened was: they didn't care about those people.... Actually, the real overweight ones were told they had to stay in the house because they (instructors) wouldn't take responsibility for the fact that they couldn't keep up with the rest of the group. Ok, when you are that overweight, that happens for a reason... And just by changing your diet you do lose loads of weight.I am pleased to say they still lost weight. A lot.
But I don't think this is fair.... And if it had been me, I would have asked for my money back there and then!

The other thing I was very surprised was the lack of team spirit. I cannot judge a whole nation by a group of people, but I was so dissapointed! They were mean people!
Yes, there was a few nice and supportive one, but mostly they were just a pain.

In a way, I am happy I went.... I only lost 2 pound in the process, but I knew the scale was showing my swollen muscles, and I am over the moon to say that I did drop one dress size. One of the measurements that sticked with me was my 5 inch waist loss!!! Due to a whole lot of exercise but mainly for the fact that we had no dairy for the whole week. Did I know I was lactose intolerant? Hell yes, but I never accepted the fact (I absolute HATE people that moan "I don't eat this", "I don't like that"), and therefore never did anything about it. But after one week being forced to not have dairy, I couldn't believe how normal I felt, without the bloating or stomach cramps, so I decided I would just not be ashamed (how silly isn't it?), and find alternatives to milk, etc.

Would I go bak? No!
Would I suggest to a friend? I would tell my experience, and let them make up their own mind.
The best thing that happened to me? Let's be honest, I would never achieve what I have achieved there with regards to my fitness.... So, I am happy, so happy I put myself through this and got to a point where I actually look forward to go to the gym. I can do A LOT more than I did before the boot camp, and my thyroid is just GREAT! I have been forced to admit that I do need to exercise regularly as much as I need my thyroxin!

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